Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I just thought of something,
I have recently been humbled (rather than humbling myself), and I have learned the truly enabling quality of humility.
It's paradoxical how we desire to be in a state of complacency or think well of our current state, yet the moment we think we have sufficient humility is same moment we've lost it. So having been placed in the humble state, I'm able to see my errors and do something about them. Ironically part of my motivation to correct those errors is so that I return back to that state of complacency where I can start coasting again. Here we see the reason we need to stay humble is so that we can actually see our errors and weaknesses and fix them. You can't correct something you can't see or don't know about. Being in a humble state means your getting things done in order to construct yourself into something better.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Conditional Friends

I just thought of something and decided it was extra baggage that I needed to write down.


It so nice to be in the company of friends; those who you can laugh with, tell stories with, discuss deep topics, and even dare to ask advice from. Being in the company of good friends brings feelings of comfort, security, and social importance.

It is truly astonishing though how quickly the important times can be forgotten, erased from memory, and consideration of a friendship thrown away on a whim. Little did I know that the measure of good feeling in a friendship could be matched, or surpassed by the pain of betrayal.

This entry doesn't only have to do with the infidelity of friends, but identifies the foolhardy cause of such outrage against me (as will later be described).

Dependency on technology: Who would've known that dependency on technology would quickly have a polarizing effect on who is a true friend?
An everyday convenience malfunctioned one day which affected a large group of friends. My services in troubleshooting tech-y problems were briskly requested, and I did my best and got it to work again. But I found out soon that the solution only benefitted some users and not others. I continued to try to get it to work but with no success. The next simple and relatively inexpensive solution was to upgrade the outdated technology. This of course wasn't good enough, it needed to be fixed that very moment, yet it was beyond my skills.
Suddenly I became a villain and they were the victims. My failure to fix the problem became the cause of the problem, and in an instant I was treated as the enemy. Defending my self at that point only fanned the flames, and they could not be quenched. Considerations for my plans for that night sizzled away in those flames, and in frustration I abandoned my vaporized plans and gave it one more go. I promptly fixed the problem, and left them with the words "it's fixed".

I try to understand that they didn't mean it, and that they were only turned against me by there childish frustration, and I'm sure they don't remember what happened or realize how they treated a friend,but who would've known that such simple thing could indicate who your true friends are.

Fear of Being Wrong

Recent experience has reminded me that it hurts to be so wrong, especially when I've been so sure of my position. With that comes a fresh wound of sheepishness, which sting is augmented by the public eye.
Of course I didn't want to feel alone in my pain, so I was acutely aware of the sight of that same fear in others.I especially feel sheepish when this happens because I was sure I was the type of person that was always open to differing opinions or being okay if I was wrong. But APPARENTLY it still hurts to be wrong.

I've realized that fear of being wrong is rooted in pride, and when applied to a broad group I came up with the following conclusion.
The majority of the problems in this world remain unresolved, and are even furthered by mankind's fear of being wrong. For every wrong scenario in this world there doesn't have to be a cackling evil master-mind behind it all, but simply a slew of people that fear being wrong, and fail to submit to better idea, or the seemingly audacious truth.

So my point is we'd all to better to not be silly and not be afraid of being wrong, but welcome any influence that leads you to the right idea, what's good, and yes even the truth.